Reiki Workshops in Exmouth and Exeter


Reiki Training Exeter and Exmouth

Jikiden Reiki® Shoden (Beginner level) Authentic Japanese Reiki

The Jikiden Reiki® courses I run are suitable for complete beginners to Reiki as well as those who have received training in Reiki before. Indeed this is the ideal course to help you reconnect with your Reiki practice if you are feeling a bit lost. You still have your Reiki. Most courses are a mix of people new to Reiki and those who have had some previous training in Reiki elsewhere. Shoden is taught over two days ideally together over a weekend, I also offer an option on separate days if work or family commitments are a barrier to beginning your Reiki journey.

At the end of your Jikiden Reiki® training courses, you will receive an official Jikiden Reiki® English course certificate. You will also receive a personalised (your name handwritten in Japanese) Japanese traditional block print certificate, as used in the early Japanese Reiki courses) issued from the Jikiden Reiki® Institute, Japan (these are ordered from Japan) and take a few weeks longer to arrive.

Who else may benefit from learning Jikiden Reiki?

Are you someone who supports or cares for others either in professional practice ( health and wellbeing therapists, yoga teachers, education and health professionals) or in your family role?

I also offer these courses specifically for EFT practitioners and other energy healing practitioners. Traditional Japanese Reiki will add an extra dimension to your treatments and offer you a simple practice to support you in your work to support others. These courses can be taught individually or in small numbers.

This is a wonderful set of techniques for parents to learn as it can help you stay centred and balanced. If you are finding life with newborns, children with high levels of anxiety or Special Educational Need demanding I can support you with sharing these simple techniques.

As a grandmother I often support my children and grandchildren with Reiki for everyday ailments.

Dates February- July 2024



February: 3rd-4th; 10th-11th

March: 9th-10th; 16th-17th

April: 13th-14th

June:1-2; 29-30

July: 13-14th


Location: Central Exeter and Exmouth


February 1st and February 8th (Thursday)

February 12th and February 15th (Monday and Thursday (Half term)

March: 11th and 18th( Monday)

April:8th and 15th (Monday) 11th and 18th (Thursday)

June:10th and 17th (Monday)


Location: Exmouth and Central Exeter

Cost £260 to include a manual English and Japanese certificates.


Courses in February full fee is payable. In case of illness or unforeseen circumstances preventing attendance bookings can be transferred to a later available course. (within 6 months)

Courses March onwards Deposit £60.00 Full fee payable 2 weeks before

Email me for further information or for other payment options.

EFT level 1 and 2 Training dates for 2024

28th/29th/30th April — 14th/15th/16th July — 22nd/23rd/24th September.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions after visiting my website. If you are curious about learning Reiki, want more information on Matrix Reimprinting you can call me on 07565834065 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment or booking on a course.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours.s

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