Let some light into your life and find your way forward

What’s in a name?

Well many things it would appear. I have gone through the gamut of names to call myself (apart from Maureen McGinty!) but I wanted to make sure that people come to me because they have a sense there is a way forward, but they just need some guidance to find it. To be able to be free of stress and worry, to find some balance and inner peace.

LightAhead describes that focus; to discover your point of inner peace, where you have clarity and feel safe and free to move forward in your life. What I love about the name LightAhead is... we look to the light ahead whether on a foggy day as we try to follow the taillights of the car ahead, maybe scrunching our eyes up in the misty swirling mist, knowing that more illumination will really blind us at this time and we will not be able to see a way forward... or being in a city… the red warning lights on top of buildings to guide airplanes or the lights of the shop windows. Cities transform at night.

LightAhead is what we may search for to find a way forward when we feel stressed, worried and anxious, yet that first step forward may seem impossible. The feeling of impossibility can freeze us literally into immobility that just feeds the fear. Fear may manifest itself as worry, sleep problems, anxious feelings and the loop continues. Our stress and worry continues no light can get in and the darkness everything may seem confusing and uncertain.

Reiki treatments (traditional Japanese Usui Reiki), EFT (tapping) and Matrix Reimprinting or in combination will support you to regain that inner peace and calm. I also offer Distance Reiki (Enkaku) which is just as effective as in person treatment if you are unable to travel to me.

My Story

The name of my practice, LightAhead, is directly inspired by my experience of overcoming my own personal challenges over past years always looking for the light ahead and my family origins in the West of Ireland; my great great uncle was a lighthouse keeper. Even on the darkest and stormiest night the beam from a lighthouse offers protection and guides; we are invited to trust what is often an unknown passage to safety and another way through stormy waters.

This trust in the possibility of another way yet uncharted has always inspired me, my way of working and my own personal journey of overcoming very difficult challenges. Although I worked in many aspects of education for over 30 years initially as a secondary teacher and latterly as a Senior Lecturer in Education, I had observed a rising trend in the increase in general overwhelm and emotional burnout. I am continuing to support the development of EFT for education to raise awareness of the impact it may have as a support for anxiety and stress within education settings for the whole school community.

And now, after over 20 years as a practitioner, my desire to help others find their own light is stronger than ever. My daily practice of Reiki, EFT meditation and journaling has always acted as that shining light ahead – revealing a practical, emotion-based map for moving out of darkness and towards a better place. I am here to be your compassionate, professional guide as you overcome emotional blocks that are holding you back in life. Give me a call on 07565834065 at any time to set up an initial consultation.


  • Usui Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner
  • Jikiden Reiki Shihan Kaku
  • EFT since 2007 Advanced Certified Practitioner EFTi
  • Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
  • M.Ed (Master in Education SEN, Bullying, Emotional Health and Wellbeing)

Professional Memberships

  • Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council
  • Federation of Holistic Therapists
  • Jikiden Reiki UK Association
  • EFT International
  • Matrix Reimprinting

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions after visiting my website. If you are curious about learning Reiki, want more information on Matrix Reimprinting you can call me on 07565834065 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment or booking on a course.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours.s

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